No. All agreements are month to month agreements. If, for any reason, you decide that the service is not for you just cancel at any time without penalty.

Interchange plus (or “cost plus”) pricing is a straightforward way to price. If you have cost plus pricing, it is more transparent because it is much more difficult to have hidden fees. In cost plus pricing, processors take all the bank fees, card brand fees etc, pass them straight through to the merchant, then add a markup (i.e 20%) for their fees. So, if you were being charged 20% using interchange pricing, you would say, I am being charged “cost plus 20”, which in general is a pretty good deal.

Payment Evolution primarily uses cost plus pricing. Overall, the best way to tell what you are being charged is to take all your fees and divide that by how much you processed in credit card sales. This is known as your effective rate.

CardPointe is a payment processing platform developed by CardConnect. With every active merchant account you receive free access to the Cardpointe processing and reporting dashboard which includes:

Research and reconcile transactions/settlements
Print and export detailed transaction and settlement reports
Store customer profiles and automate recurring billing plans
Set up and activate multiple users within a single account
and so much more…
CardPointe allows you to process transactions on a retail terminal, the mobile app (smart phone and iPad compatible) and the online virtual terminal and view transactions in real time across any CardPointe reporting tool.

Typically, we can get accounts approved in 24-48 hours.

American Express sets their own rates and based on region, industry and volume. AMEX also only reveals their rates directly to merchants via the phone. Businesses that have very little in credit card sales would pay around $8 monthly fee. Higher volume merchants will be charged a flat rate (i.e. 3%) or a rate and flat fee (i.e. 2.89% + $.15).


The CardPointe mobile app will allow you to process transactions from any mobile device (iOS and Android compatible) as well as from iPad devices.

PCI is a mandatory certificate required annually by credit card brands to keep merchants accountable for protection of cardholder data.


An effective rate is the best way to compare the savings from one processor to another. Overall, the best way to tell what you are being charged is to take all your fees and divide that by how much you processed in credit card sales. This is known as your effective rate.

The processing fee you pay to accept payments could depend on several factors such as:

  • The pricing model and your processor’s margin
  • The interchange rate
  • The card brand and transaction type
  • Your business industry
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